The Vocabulary Of Neurodiversity

One’s understanding of vocabulary on a subject says ample regarding their knowledge of the specific matter. More often than usual the usage of incorrect terms in a sensitive matter may lead to hurting one’s sentiments. Hence, when it comes to awareness and knowledge of a sensitive subject such as neurodiversity, it is crucial to know the correct usage of terminologies to address the intended topic. In this blog, we will be sharing with you the correct terms and their meanings in relation to Neurodiversity.

  • Neurodiversity

A concept which regards differences in brain function and behavioural traits as part of the normal human variation.

  • Neurotypical (NT)

Having a brain that functions in a societally expected way and/or is statistically normative. This term is also referred to as the neuro-majority.

  • Neurodivergent (ND)

Having a brain that functions in a way that diverges from dominant societal expectations and/or statistical norms.

  • Disability

It is the result of a disorder, difference or condition. Has a legal definition: a A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Different models explain the cause and location of disability differently.

  • Disorder

A medical term irregularity, abnormality or interruption of normal functions, and abnormality has negative consequences. For example a gastrointestinal disorder indicates that there is a disruption of normal process of digestion.

  • Condition

A catch-all category for all disease, disorder and lesions. It maybe specified as a medical condition or mental health condition. “Condition” can also be referred to state as in someone being in a “good condition” vs “critical condition”. It is the most value-neutral term.


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