Our Speaker Meetings
Dr. Christine Marshall
Dr. Marshall is an instructor in Biology at Phillips Academy Andover, former developmental neurobiologist, and an active member of the Society for Neuroscience.
Stanford NNEA (The Network for K-12 Neurodiversity Education and Advocacy): February 11, 2021. Link to Stanford NNEA Past Speaker Meetings here:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Research Workshop: January 17, 2022
Titled “Introduction to Neurodiversity”
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Esty
Neurodiversity in Global Youth x Phillips Academy Cerebral Palsy Awareness Club Collaboration
Ms. Pamela Kass is the associate director of corporate partnerships and strategy at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF). She will not only be discussing CPARF, but also the intersection between Neurodiversity.